In today’s daily bible study, we will discuss a bible nugget titled, “How to be Humble”
A Review of the Previous Bible Study
In the previous episode of our daily bible nugget, we discussed the topic that says It’s okay to ask for help when you Need it. We got the insight from what happened between pharaoh and his officials.
When Pharaoh’s officials noticed that the plagues have crippled Egypt, they walked up to pharaoh and talked to him. They demanded that he frees the Israelites, for fear that the plagues might ruin Egypt entirely.
Pharaoh, though dissatisfied with their advice, he called Moses and Aaron and asked them to go, but with the condition that only the men should go. Moses and Aaron rejected the condition and they were driven out of the meeting.
In that event, we learnt that, though Pharaoh was the one confronting Moses and Aaron, he was not seeing that Egypt was at the verge of collapse. It was his officials, who could see clear what was happening, and they advised him. But unfortunately, he did not genuinely heed their advice, Egypt finally got ruined.
You can read the article It’s okay to ask for help when you Need it
In today’s episode, we will discuss the bible insight titled, “How to be Humble.”
Bible Study Passage
Moses ran from Egypt to Midian. Over there in Midian, he got a job as a shepherd. He was in the bush one day, when God called him and assigned him the mission of going unto Pharaoh in Egypt and tell him to free the Israelites.
At first, Moses was scared of the mission; he was scared of confronting Pharaoh. However, he embarked on the journey, and with the help of God’s divine power and his elder brother Aaron, he was able to confront pharaoh.
As Moses kept encountering and confronting pharaoh, he continued building self-confidence. It got to a point that Moses no longer feared the presence of Pharaoh. He talked to Pharaoh with authority and pharaoh couldn’t do anything about it. In one of the encounters Moses had with pharaoh, Pharaoh pleaded with Moses to make the hail stop. Moses replied him saying, when I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the Lord and the hail will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the Earth is the Lord’s.
READ: What is the Purpose of Life According to the Bible?
Moses’ fame has grown. he could talk to pharaoh without fidgeting and with authority.
Nevertheless, one thing stood out clear, in all of Moses’ fame, he never failed to glorify God. In everything, he stayed humble. Even when his fame has grown, he will always say; “I will spread my hands in prayer to the Lord.” Moses always humbled himself and recognized God, that was the secret of his success. In all his encounter with Pharaoh, he recorded success, but he in turn humbled himself and gave the glory to God. He did not allow his success to get to his head, he was humble, and from Moses we can learn how to be humble.
This is a lesson to all of us. No matter the level of success you think you have attained, never let it get into your head, do not forget where and how you started. Learn to be humble.
Always stay humble and do not let your success get to your head. Be like Moses in humility and God will give you more success.
How to be Humble
Below is list of practices that can help you stay humble and keep your ego and pride at bay.
- Admit you are not the best at anything of anything
- Recognize your own faults
- Be grateful for what you have
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
- Admit your mistakes
- Avoid bragging
- Be considerate in conversations
- Don’t take all the credit
- Appreciate the qualities and talents of others
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Don’t be afraid to defer to others’ judgements
- Seek guidance from written texts
- Remain teachable
- Help others
- Stop forcing yourself to always be the first
- Compliment others
- Apologize
- Listen more than you talk
- Create the urge to be wowed, it makes you want to know more
- Practice gentleness
- Spend more time in nature
- Spend time around children
By making effort to practice all that we have listed above, you will be able to have mastered humility, and that my friend is one of the things that pleases God. The bible says A humble and a contrite spirit God does not despise.
May God grant us the ability to learn how to be humble and calm even when we have achieved immense success. Amen.
May the peace of the living God, Almighty, be with you forever and ever, AMEN.
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