If you have been looking for an article to read on how to get your prayers answered quickly, rest assured you will learn the steps to take while praying so that your prayers will be answered quickly in this article.
Why do we pray? – How to Get your Prayers Answered Quickly
Before we delve into the steps on how to get your prayers answered quickly, let us discuss a bit about prayers and why we pray.
We resort to asking for God’s help in prayer whenever the going gets tough in our lives, our faith in God gives us that motivation to pray, because we believe that once we pour out our hearts to our God in prayer, that whatever it is that is troubling us will subside. It is with this faith that we pray each time trials and tribulations storm our lives. However, it happens that sometimes when we pray, its as if we are just grinding water, it is as if our effort in prayer does not make any difference. This sometimes makes us to ask if God really hears our prayers.
The fact is that God hears every of our prayers, and He is always listening to all our prayers and supplications, however, when we pray and we do not get what we prayed for, it is because God has His reasons for not giving to us what we asked for in our prayer at that moment.
Nevertheless, if we pray the right way, we can get God to answer our prayers quickly. God is not an author of confusion; He has laws and rules guiding everything He created. He has mode of operations, and when we follow His rules and the ways He has set for us, everything will work out smoothly.
Below are Steps on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Steps on how to Get your Prayers Answered Quickly
Step 1: Give thanks to God for everything
Step 2: Pray according to God’s Will
Step 3: Be specific in your request
Step 4: Include God’s interest in your Prayers
Step 5: Eschew from sin
Step 6: Forgive others
Step 7: Give Charity and be kind to others
Step 8: Convince yourself to wait for God
Step 9: Have faith in your prayer
Step 10: Put in the necessary effort or work
Step 1: Give thanks to God for everything
If you want to get something new from God, then thank Him for the old things He gave you. Gratitude has a way of making ways. This is not only applicable to asking something from God. It also works for humans. When you thank people immensely for doing something for you, chances are that they will do more for you in the future. So, whenever you pray, start by thanking God for everything He has done for you, in the past, in the present and for the future, gratitude has a way of bringing kindness and more help. Use thanksgiving-prayer to water the ground before making any requests from God. This is very necessary, and that is why most people sing songs of worship and praises before they make any requests in their prayers. This is the first step on how to get your prayers answered quickly by God. Always thank God for the Things He had done for you in the past, and He will be very kind to do more for you now and in the future.
Step 2: Pray according to God’s Will
This step is the most important step when praying if you want to get your prayers answered quickly. Praying according to the will of God is the ultimate way to get quick answers to prayer. This can be likened to a father that has already brought out a 10-dollar bill to give his child, only for the child to come asking the father for 10 dollars to buy a book for his education. Because the child asked for something that his father would have done anyway and is ready to do at that moment, he will get what he asked for quickly. When we pray and ask God for something according to his will, He automatically does what we asked for.
Now you will ask, how do I know the will of God? Well, you can’t categorically know the will of God, but one thing is clear, God demands righteousness from us, so whatever you are asking from God, make sure it aligns with God’s commandments. The book of Ecclesiastes 12:13 says:
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter, Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the only duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:13
When we pray and ask anything from God according to His will, rest assured He will do what we asked quickly without hesitation. Asking according to God’s will for is the second step on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 3: Be specific in your request
Most of us make ambiguous requests when praying. if you want a quick answer to a prayer, then make a specific request. Asking multiple things at the same time is not the best way to make a request. Take yourself as an example, if someone comes asking you for something and they make countless number of requests, you will respond by telling them to streamline their requests and ask them one at a time. I know we can’t compare ourselves with God, but we are made in the image of God, hence, we can use ourselves to get a glimpse of what it looks like asking something from God. If you have too many things you want God to do for you, list them in order of their priorities, and ask them one at a time. If you are sick, then priorities asking God for Quick healing, focus on that, and pray for it. If your education is a priority, focus on that first. If your business is a priority focus on that first. Making specific prayers works efficaciously. So many people in the bible had problems, they prayed specifically concerning those problems and they were answered, King David and Solomon, Prophet Elijah, Elisha, Moses, Joshua, Eleazar servant of Abraham, etc., all of them made specific prayers and they were all answered.
Another way to make specific prayer is to state exactly what you need the prayer for. If you get the money you are praying for, what would you use it to do? If you get the car you are asking for what will use it for? Sometimes stating what you will use the answered prayer to do can move God to answer your prayers quickly. Making your prayers specific is the third step on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 4: Include God’s interest in your Prayers
If you want your prayers to be answered quickly, then include God’s interest in your prayer. Yes, when you ask God for money, also tell Him how you will use part of the money to serve Him. A father will prefer to give his son money to buy a textbook than to buy a ticket to travel to the Bahamas for a party, because he believes a textbook his son buys will benefit everyone at the long run more than travelling to the Bahamas to party. It is possible that a good thing can come out of the child traveling to the Bahamas to party, but the chances of that happening can be slim. But an educated child has a higher chance of becoming useful to both the child and his father. When we state God’s interest in our prayers, He will see more reasons to answer them quickly. Including God’s interests in our prayers is the fourth step on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 5: Eschew from sin
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach. You can’t be in sin and grace abides. You can’t be going against God’s commands and expect Him to answer your prayers quickly. If you have two kids, and one respects you while the other disrespects you, it is obvious that the one that respects you will always get your attention whenever he or she needs a thing. Same thing we can say about God, you can’t be going against His ordinances and expect to always get a quick answer to your prayers. Learn to stay away from offending God, and He will consider giving heed to your prayers a priority. Eschewing from sin is the fifth step on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 6: Forgive others
When we forgive people who offended us, we feel some kind of inner peace and free. Forgiving someone is a sign of love and kindness. If you show people kindness, then you too will deserve kindness. If you want to get quick answer to your prayer, then learn to forgive people that offended you, pray with a clear and unburdened mindset and you will see an efficacious result. In our list, Forgiving people who have wronged you is the sixth step on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 7: Give Charity and be kind to others
Being kind and giving charity makes a way for a man. Sometime you don’t even have to pray, but as long as you show kindness to people and do charity, you will get answers to your prayers even before saying a word. It really works.
Learn to give to the less-privileged, help the helpless, feed the poor, and you will see miracles on your way. In the bible when King Hezekiah was informed of his impending death news, he prayed and reminded God of the kindness he had done, and he automatically got an instant answer to his prayer. The death news was nullified and he lived more 15 years.
Showing kindness and charity has a way of turning things around and making your prayers answered quickly. once again, giving charity and showing kindness is the seventh step on our list on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 8: Convince yourself to wait for God
Understand that God knows the best for you. In as much as you need a quick answer to your prayer request does not mean that your request is valid. Sometimes God delays answering our prayers because He has a better plan for us. It’s just like when a father plans buying a private jet for his son and the child asking the father for a first-class flight ticket. Now, if his father refuses to get him the ticket, he might be unsatisfied, only if he discovers that his dad has a better plan and offer for him.
When God delays answering your prayers, you need to wait, because He has a better plan for you, if He sees that you are waiting, it is a signal to change the course of action for your sake. Always wait on the Lord and be of good courage. He never disappoints those who waited on Him. Waiting on the Lord is the eighth step on how to get your prayers answered.
Step 9: Have faith in your prayer
Yes! With faith you can move mountains. When you pray, believe fully that your prayers will be answered. Avoid doubts. Having faith in your prayers is an assurance you give to God that you believe He can do all things. It’s no use praying if you do not believe your prayers will be answered. Experience builds faith. If you do not know how to have faith, then learn from those who have had faith and succeeded. Read the bible and you will see people of faith. The bible is full of people of faith, emulate them and you will get your desired result. Having faith in your prayer is the ninth step on our list on how to get your prayers answered quickly.
Step 10: Put in the necessary effort or work
Sometimes we need to contribute our own quota in making our prayers answered. You can’t ask God for money and everyday you sit idly at home; you have to go out there and scout for job. You have to start a business. If you are asking God for a peaceful home, then you have to learn how to stop anything that can create uproar in the home. Always do your part and leave the rest for God. God never disappoints, He will always do what He will do, you only have to do your part and everything will work just fine. Put in the necessary effort, do the necessary work, grind, labor and your efforts will be rewarded immensely. This finally is the tenth step on our list on how to get your prayers answered quickly
I hope you enjoyed reading the article and that you are greatly blessed. We pray that God in His infinite mercy will look down from heaven and fulfil your earnest desires. As you pray, may God swiftly send answers to your prayers without delay. Amen.
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