God’s Mercies are New Every Morning, they Endure Forever

God's mercies are new every morning

In today’s daily bible study, we will discuss a bible nugget of wisdom titled; “God’s mercies are new every morning.”

The book of Lamentation 3: 22 – 23 says:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Read to the end of this article and you will see why the bible says that the mercies of the Lord do not come to an end. Even when we do not deserve God’s mercies, He showers them on us.

Recap of Previous Bible Study

In the previous episode of our daily bible study, we discussed the topic that says; “God has a purpose for everything”. In that very episode, we learnt that God created everyone on Earth for a purpose. We also learned that our purpose in life goes beyond our careers and jobs. We realized from that episode that, no matter who you are and what you do, you were created for a purpose, and when you discover that purpose for which you were created and start working towards achieving it, your life becomes sweeter and better. We discovered this from a portion of the bible we read, about Pharaoh. Even though Pharaoh was both a stubborn and wicked king, he was created by God for a unique purpose. Exodus 9: 16.

READ MORE: God has a purpose for everything

In today’s episode, we will discuss a bible nugget titled, God’s mercies are new every morning

Bible Study Passage – God’s Mercies are New Every Morning

It happened that, Pharaoh and his officials challenged God when Moses and Aaron confronted them. Pharaoh Firstly said that he doesn’t know God and he wouldn’t let the Israelites go.

When God unleashed the plagues on the Egyptians, in other to show how powerful he is, Pharaoh tried replicating every miracle performed by Moses and Aaron, in addition to the empty promises he made to Moses and Aaron, by insincerely telling Moses he was going to free the Israelites.

He behaved in such a very unfriendly and harsh manner towards God’s messengers. His attitude can be seen as provocative, and as one that do not deserve any lenient treatment of any sort. But, God in His infinite mercy showed grace to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Even when we do not deserve God’s grace, He bestows it upon us anyways. God’s mercies are new every morning.

God’s Mercies are New Every Morning

In the book of Exodus 9: 19, we read about the plague of hail. Before the hail plague commenced, God took pity on the Egyptians and instructed Moses to tell the Egyptians to bring all their livestock and everything they have in the field to a place of shelter. This was because the hail was going to destroy everything that it meets outside. Some Egyptians listened and brought in their livestock and slaves, while some did not. Those that heeded the advice were saved, while those that did not perished.

Even while punishing the Egyptians for how they treated the Israelites, God still took pity on them. God is very merciful; His mercies are new every morning. His mercies endure forever.

Reciprocating God’s Mercies

When God shows us mercy, when God gives us that unmerited favor, it is left for us to reciprocate the good gesture and do what is necessary. The Egyptians were given the opportunity to save their livestock, but some took the opportunity for granted. Many of us are like that. Some of us have lost so many opportunities due to stubbornness and disbelief.

This episode of our daily bible study teaches us the need to seize an opportunity when it comes, and never despise it. It also teaches us to be like our father in heaven. Let us learn to be merciful and gracious to our fellow men, like our father in heaven. Irrespective of race, color, status, etc. let us learn to show mercy, love and kindness to our fellow human beings.

May God endow us with the spirit to be gracious and merciful unto others. Amen.

May the peace of the living God, Almighty, be with you forever and ever, AMEN.

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