The Two towers: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien, Cast, Summary

The Two towers: The Lord of the Rings pdf by J.R.R Tolkien is the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien’s high fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. It is preceded by The Fellowship of the Ring and followed by The Return of the King. The Lord of the Rings is composed of six “books”, aside from an introduction, a prologue and six appendices. However, the novel was originally published as three separate volumes, due to post-World War II paper shortages and size and price considerations.  The Two Towers covers Books Three and Four.  In this article you will be able to download the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien as well as do the following:

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The Two towers: The Lord of the Rings pdf Summary by J.R.R Tolkien

The Fellowship is scattered. Some brace hopelessly for war against the ancient evil of Sauron. Others must contend with the treachery of the wizard Saruman. Only Frodo and Sam are left to take the One Ring, ruler of the accursed Rings of Power, to be destroyed in Mordor, the dark realm where Sauron is supreme. Their guide is Gollum, deceitful and obsessive slave to the corruption of the Ring. Thus continues the magnificent, bestselling tale of adventure begun in “The Fellowship of the Ring, which reaches its soul-stirring climax in “The Return of the King. As Frodo and Sam leave, a band of orcs captures Merry and Pippin and kills Boromir. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli decide to let the Ringbearer go and instead rescue Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli pursue the orcs as they run across the fields of Rohan toward Saruman’s fortress at Isengard. They find evidence that the orcs of Sauron and Saruman have quarreled and that either one hobbit is still alive, but they begin to lose hope as they fall farther and farther behind. After three days of running with little rest, they meet a troop of the riders of Rohan. The horsemen’s leader, Éomer, informs the trio that the orcs were destroyed on the edge of Fangorn forest, with no survivors. He lends them horses to continue the pursuit, but offers little hope that the hobbits escaped the battle.

Although treated roughly by the orcs, Merry and Pippin remain unharmed. When the Rohirrim attack, the hobbits run to the safety of the forest. They eventually make their way through the dense woodland to a stony hill where they meet Treebeard the Ent. This ancient being looks like a walking and talking tree and is the guardian of the forest. He does not particularly care about Sauron, but he takes the threat of Saruman very seriously. The wizard once cared for the forest and learned much from Treebeard, but now he chops down the trees to fuel the war machines of Isengard. Treebeard calls an Entmoot, a meeting of many Ents who decide to fight Saruman.

About the author The Two towers: The Lord of the Rings – John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. After serving in World War I, he embarked upon a distinguished academic career and was recognized as one of the finest philologists in the world. He was a professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, a fellow of Pembroke College, and a fellow of Merton College until his retirement in 1959. He is, however, beloved throughout the world as the creator of Middle-earth and author of such classic works as The Hobbit andThe Lord of the Rings. He died on September 2, 1973, at the age of eighty-one.

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The Two towers by J.R.R Tolkien
The Two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

Excerpt from the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

 © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.


Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking. ‘I read the signs aright,’ he said to himself. ‘Frodo ran to the hill-top. I wonder what he saw there? But he returned by the same way, and went down the hill again.

Aragorn hesitated. He desired to go to the high seat himself, hoping to see there something that would guide him in his perplexities; but time was pressing. Suddenly he leaped forward, and ran to the summit, across the great flag-stones, and up the steps. Then sitting in the high seat he looked out. But the sun seemed darkened, and the world dim and remote. He turned from the North back again to North, and saw nothing save the distant hills, unless it were that far away he could see again a great bird like an eagle high in the air, descending slowly in wide circles down towards the earth.

Even as he gazed his quick ears caught sounds in the woodlands below, on the west side of the River. He stiffened. There were cries, and among them, to his horror, he could distinguish the harsh voices of Orcs. Then suddenly with a deep-throated call a great horn blew, and the blasts of it smote the hills and echoed in the hollows, rising in a mighty shout above the roaring of the falls. ‘The horn of Boromir!’ he cried. ‘He is in need!’ He sprang down the steps and away, leaping down the path. ‘Alas! An ill fate is on me this day, and all that I do goes amiss. Where is Sam?

As he ran the cries came louder, but fainter now and desperately the horn was blowing. Fierce and shrill rose the yells of the Orcs, and suddenly the horn-calls ceased. Aragorn raced down the last slope, but before he could reach the hill’s foot, the sounds died away; and as he turned to the left and ran towards them they retreated, until at last he could hear them no more. Drawing his bright sword and crying Elendil! Elendil! he crashed through the trees.

A mile, maybe, from Parth Galen in a little glade not far from the lake he found Boromir. He was sitting with his back to a great tree, as if he was resting. But Aragorn saw that he was pierced with many black-feathered arrows; his sword was still in his hand, but it was broken near the hilt; his horn cloven in two was at his side. Many Orcs lay slain, piled all about him and at his feet.

Aragorn knelt beside him. Boromir opened his eyes and strove to speak. At last slow words came. ‘I tried to take the Ring from Frodo,’ he said. ‘I am sorry. I have paid.’ His glance strayed to his fallen enemies; twenty at least lay there. ‘They have gone: the Halflings: the Orcs have taken them. I think they are not dead. Orcs bound them.’ He paused and his eyes closed wearily. After a moment he spoke again. ‘Farewell, Aragorn! Go to Minas Tirith and save my people! I have failed. ‘No!’ said Aragorn, taking his hand and kissing his brow. ‘You have conquered. Few have gained such a victory. Be at peace! Minas Tirith shall not fall! Boromir smiled. ‘Which way did they go? Was Frodo there?’ said Aragorn. But Boromir did not speak again.

‘Alas!’ said Aragorn. ‘Thus passes the heir of Denethor, Lord of the Tower of Guard! This is a bitter end. Now the Company is all in ruin. It is I that have failed. Vain was Gandalf’s trust in me. What shall I do now? Boromir has laid it on me to go to Minas Tirith, and my heart desires it; but where are the Ring and the Bearer? How shall I find them and save the Quest from disaster?

He knelt for a while, bent with weeping, still clasping Boromir’s hand. So it was that Legolas and Gimli found him. They came from the western slopes of the hill, silently, creeping through the trees as if they were hunting. Gimli had his axe in hand, and Legolas his long knife: all his arrows were spent. When they came into the glade they halted in amazement; and then they stood a moment with heads bowed in grief, for it seemed to them plain what had happened.

‘Alas!’ said Legolas, coming to Aragorn’s side. ‘We have hunted and slain many Orcs in the woods, but we should have been of more use here. We came when we heard the horn—but too late, it seems. I fear you have taken deadly hurt. ‘Boromir is dead,’ said Aragorn. ‘I am unscathed, for I was not here with him. He fell defending the hobbits, while I was away upon the hill. ‘The hobbits!’ cried Gimli. ‘Where are they then? Where is Frodo?

‘I do not know,’ answered Aragorn wearily. ‘Before he died Boromir told me that the Orcs had bound them; he did not think that they were dead. I sent him to follow Merry and Pippin; but I did not ask him if Frodo or Sam were with him: not until it was too late. All that I have done today has gone amiss. What is to be done now? ‘First we must tend the fallen,’ said Legolas. ‘We cannot leave him lying like carrion among these foul Orcs.

‘But we must be swift,’ said Gimli. ‘He would not wish us to linger. We must follow the Orcs, if there is hope that any of our Company are living prisoners. ‘But we do not know whether the Ring-bearer is with them or not,’ said Aragorn. ‘Are we to abandon him? Must we not seek him first? An evil choice is now before us!

‘Then let us do first what we must do,’ said Legolas. ‘We have not the time or the tools to bury our comrade fitly, or to raise a mound over him. A cairn we might build.m‘The labour would be hard and long: there are no stones that we could use nearer than the water-side,’ said Gimli.

‘Then let us lay him in a boat with his weapons, and the weapons of his vanquished foes,’ said Aragorn. ‘We will send him to the Falls of Rauros and give him to Anduin. The River of Gondor will take care at least that no evil creature dishonours his bones. Quickly they searched the bodies of the Orcs, gathering their swords and cloven helms and shields into a heap.

‘See!’ cried Aragorn. ‘Here we find tokens!’ He picked out from the pile of grim weapons two knives, leaf-bladed, damasked in gold and red; and searching further he found also the sheaths, black, set with small red gems. ‘No orc-tools these!’ he said. ‘They were borne by the hobbits. Doubtless the Orcs despoiled them, but feared to keep the knives, knowing them for what they are: work of Westernesse, wound about with spells for the bane of Mordor. Well, now, if they still live, our friends are weaponless. I will take these things, hoping against hope, to give them back.

‘And I,’ said Legolas, ‘will take all the arrows that I can find, for my quiver is empty.’ He searched in the pile and on the ground about and found not a few that were undamaged and longer in the shaft than such arrows as the Orcs were accustomed to use. He looked at them closely.

And Aragorn looked on the slain, and he said: ‘Here lie many that are not folk of Mordor. Some are from the North, from the Misty Mountains, if I know anything of Orcs and their kinds. And here are others strange to me. Their gear is not after the manner of Orcs at all! There were four goblin-soldiers of greater stature, swart, slant-eyed, with thick legs and large hands. They were armed with short broad-bladed swords, not with the curved scimitars usual with Orcs; and they had bows of yew, in length and shape like the bows of Men. Upon their shields they bore a strange device: a small white hand in the centre of a black field; on the front of their iron helms was set an S-rune, wrought of some white metal. ‘I have not seen these tokens before,’ said Aragorn. ‘What do they mean? ‘S is for Sauron,’ said Gimli. ‘That is easy to read. ‘Nay!’ said Legolas. ‘Sauron does not use the Elf-runes.

‘Neither does he use his right name, nor permit it to be spelt or spoken, said Aragorn. ‘And he does not use white. The Orcs in the service of Baraddûr use the sign of the Red Eye.’ He stood for a moment in thought. ‘S is for Saruman, I guess,’ he said at length. ‘There is evil afoot in Isengard, and the West is no longer safe. It is as Gandalf feared: by some means the traitor Saruman has had news of our journey. It is likely too that he knows of Gandalf’s fall. Pursuers from Moria may have escaped the vigilance of Lórien, or they may have avoided that land and come to Isengard by other paths. Orcs travel fast. But Saruman has many ways of learning news. Do you remember the birds? ‘Well, we have no time to ponder riddles,’ said Gimli. ‘Let us bear Boromir away! ‘But after that we must guess the riddles, if we are to choose our course rightly,’ answered Aragorn. ‘Maybe there is no right choice,’ said Gimli.

Major characters in the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

Frodo Baggins: Frodo inherited the Ring of Power from his uncle Bilbo Baggins. He volunteered to bear it all the way into Mordor where it can finally be destroyed. This brave deed brings him many hardships: wounding, winter storms, and the loss of companions. When it finally becomes apparent that he cannot make the journey with his present companions, he presses on alone with Sam Gamgee. They struggle through the worst terrain and eventually make it only with the help of Smeagol (Gollum). It is Frodo’s trust in Smeagol that allows them to get as far as they do. When Frodo’s life seems doomed, the entire quest hangs in a delicate balance

Sam Gamgee: Sam cajoled his way into the journey when he eavesdropped on Frodo and Gandalf discussing their plans. His worth was quickly proved. The closer they get to Mordor, the weaker Frodo becomes and the more Sam must compensate. He bravely helps his master and swallows his utter hatred of Smeagol long enough for them to use the creature as a guide. When Frodo is attacked by the beast called Shelob, it is Sam’s strength and perseverance alone that keeps the journey going and hope alive.

Aragorn: His full title is Aragorn son of Arathorn, heir of Elendil, and bearer of the sword that was broken and forged anew. Aragorn is the heir to a race of kings from an ancient civilization called Numenor. He is also the leader of a widespread group of rangers known as the Dunedain who are also descended from Numenor. Aragorn becomes the leader of the group with the absence of Gandalf, and pushes on until he is reunited with his old friend. Although he is of nobility, he has neither city nor kingdom and the day that he must reclaim his throne weighs heavily inside him.

Merry: Merry is one of Frodo’s nephews. He and Pippin blackmailed Frodo into letting them come along on what they thought would be an adventure. They weather the difficulties well. Even when they are captured by a band of orcs, they do not lose their spirit. They escape their captors and flee into a dangerous forest where they befriend Treebeard the Ent. The hobbits’ entrance into Fangorn prompts the rousing of the ents and the destruction if Isengard.

Pippin: Pippin is the braver, or at least more bold, of Frodo’s young nephews. He is the one who tries to escape from the orcs and leaves his cloak and brooch behind so that anyone tracking them will be able to follow.. He cuts the bond on his hand and figures out a way for both of the hobbits to escape. His most dangerous moment is when he gazes into the Palantir and is probed by the eye of Sauron. Because of this, he must flee with Gandalf towards Minas Tirith.

Gandalf: Also called Mithrandir, Gandalf Greyhame and Gandalf the Grey. At the beginning, all assume Gandalf to be dead, after falling into a pit while fighting the Balrog. He returns as Gandalf the White instead of Gandalf the Grey. He has become more wise and powerful. He leads Rohan back to greatness and watches the ents destroy Isengard. He offers mercy to the wizard Saruman. When he will not accept the offer, Gandalf deposes him, revokes his powers, and casts him out of the council of wizards. Even though he is the most powerful figure standing against Sauron, he knows that his fate depends on two hobbits traveling alone into the land of darkness.

Smeagol (Gollum): Smeagol is at once villain and hero. Without him, the hobbits would never have made it to the land of Mordor. He leads them because Frodo makes him swear on the Ring that he will not harm them and will serve them. Smeagol agrees to the oath, someday wishing to regain possession of the Ring. Lust for it burns within him. He is torn because he does not want it to be destroyed, but would die to see it in the hands of Sauron. He plans to sacrifice the hobbits to Shelob, and leads them direct to the spider’s lair. He sees this plan as his best opportunity to regain what he thinks is his property (the Ring).

Sauron: Sauron is the embodiment of evil throughout The Lord of the Rings. He was once a great leader, and forged the Ring of Power to control the other rings of Middle Earth. He was overthrown by an alliance of elves and men. Years after, he reappeared in Mirkwood and then returned to Mordor to rebuild his kingdom. His lieutenants search endlessly for the Ring so that Sauron may rule again. Without it, he cannot fight the good of the Earth, and with it he cannot be defeated. His lust for power pushes his endless search for the Ring.

Boromir: The son of the Steward of Minas Tirith. His desire for the Ring makes Frodo decide that he must go to Mordor alone. In his last moments, he struggles against orcs and partially vindicates himself for his crimes against his friends.

Legolas: The elf from Mirkwood who accompanies Frodo on his quest. He becomes friends with Gimli even though there is enmity between elves and dwarves.

Gimli: The dwarf on the quest. He is hardy and strong and becomes very good friends with Legolas. The pair kill over 80 orcs together while defending Helm’s Deep. His home is on the eastern side of Mirkwood where Bilbo went treasure hunting so many years before.

Saruman: Saruman is a wise master of lore and leader of a council of wizards. Lust for the ring, however, altered his behavior. He raised his own armies of orcs and men, hoping to rival Sauron. When Gandalf would not provide him with the clue to find the Ring, he imprisoned his fellow wizard. Saruman’s plots distract the men of Rohan and Gandalf from the rising power of Sauron. He is shown to be merely a pawn of the great dark lord by the end of the book.

Eomer: A lord of Rohan and nephew of King Theoden. He leads his men valiantly and becomes the heir to Theoden.

Theoden: The king of Rohan who is lulled into subservience by Grima or Wormtongue. He is released from the spell and rushes to defend his people from the dark forces of Isengard.

Ugluk: The leader of the Orcs from Isengard. His primary concern is to get the hobbits to Isengard unharmed. Eomer kills him.

Grishnakh: The leader of the orcs from Mordor. He is the only orc who knows that the hobbits may be carrying the Ring of Power. He tries to steal them away but is killed in the process.

Treebeard: The oldest ent in Fangorn. He is a great shepherd of trees. He finds the hobbits and helps them. When he realizes the truth about Sauron, he becomes enraged and eventually rallies the rest of the ents against him.

Quickbeam: The hasty ent who takes care of Merry and Pippin while the rest of the ents decide what they are going to do.

Galadriel: A bearer of a Ring of Power and member of the council of wizards. She helped all of the company when they passed through Lothlorien and Gandalf when he defeated the Balrog.

Hama: The guard who allows Gandalf to enter Theoded’s chamber with his staff. He also releases Eomer from bonds and dies at Helm’s Deep.

Grima (Wormtongue): The adviser to Theoded who turned him to crooked ways. He serves Saruman and flees to him after Gandalf deposes him.

Some themes explored in the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

Good vs. Evil

The Fellowship of the Ring is pretty clear-cut about who is bad (the Ringwraiths, the Balrog) and who is good (all those shiny elves). But in The Two Towers, it gets a little more complicated. You have good people who give in to temporary temptation (Boromir), good people who fall for bad advice (Théoden), and even bad people who serve the good side (Gollum, at least for a little while). Tolkien’s work has gotten a lot of criticism over the years for being too black-and-white about moral issues. But we think The Two Towers depicts a more interesting moral world than just Dark versus Light. While this novel still shows the fight between forces of good and evil, Tolkien allows for some grey areas to develop which gives The Two Towers a nice dose of complexity.


A few characters in The Two Towers have a bit of an isolationist bent (we’re looking at you, Éomer and Treebeard). They simply don’t want to become involved in the war with Sauron; sure, they can fight if they have to, but they would much rather live their lives freely and do their own thing. Sadly, Sauron’s world-conquering ambitions make that freedom to choose absolutely, positively impossible. By the time we get to The Two Towers, isolation is no longer an option for any of Middle-earth’s peoples—not even the hobbits, who, thanks to Bilbo, are thrust into the thick of things. While lots of people might want to stay isolated from all of these terrible world events, they generally can’t. The sad fact is, there’s no turning back now, for anyone in Middle-earth.


In The Two Towers it is love that makes Frodo leave behind the Fellowship so they do not get hurt by the Ring’s evil; it is love that keeps Sam following Frodo into Mordor when Frodo says he doesn’t have to come; it is love that sends Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli after Merry and Pippin; it is love that allows Gimli and Legolas to develop their funny, bickering friendship; and it is love that leads Éomer to help Théoden as best he can, in spite of Wormtongue’s lying. If Sauron uses negative emotions like jealousy, pride, and hatred as weapons, then love is the main weapon in the Good Side’s arsenal. It’s the glue that keeps them together, and—more importantly—going.


It goes without saying that Sauron desires power. Why else would he try to conquer all of Middle-earth? But even if Sauron is a power-hungry maniac (and he definitely is), the interesting thing about him is that he lacks the ability to make new things on his own. There appears to be a limit on Sauron’s power even at the start of the War of the Ring. Don’t get us wrong. Sauron can certainly still do tons of horrifying damage with the power that he does have. But in The Two Towers, it’s clear he’ll never truly achieve the kind of god-like domination he seems to crave.


The differences between Middle-earth beings may not look like the differences between people in our world. In fact, they’re much more stark. Nevertheless, the interactions between all these creatures in The Two Towers—humans, elves, hobbits, and orcs—remind us of race relations in our world, too. It’s clear from the get-go that these characters use race as a way to identify each other. But the race of their fellows also creates certain expectations; elves are good, hobbits are inexperienced, orcs are evil, men are proud. Are these fair assumptions? Probably not, but in any case, all of Middle-earth seems to share them.

Where to buy the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien online

The middle novel in The Lord of the Rings—the greatest fantasy epic of all time—which began in The Fellowship of the Ring, and which reaches its magnificent climax in The Return of the King can be purchased online from the following sites:

Read reviews on the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

Editorial reviews and quotes for the book

“There are very few works of genius in recent literature. This is one”-The Nation

“An extraordinary work- pure excitement unencumbered narrative, moral warmth, bare-faced rejoicing in beauty, but excitement most of all”- The New York times book review

“An extraordinary distinguished, distinguished piece of work”- New York herald tribune

‘An extraordinary book. It deals with a stupendous theme. It leads us through a succession of strange and astonishing episodes, some of them magnificent, in a region where everything is invented, forest, moor, river, wilderness, town and the races which inhabit them.’-The Observer

‘Among the greatest works of imaginative fiction of the twentieth century. The book presents us with the richest profusion of new lands and new creatures, from the beauty of Lothlorien to the horror of Mordor, adventures to hold us spell-bound, and words of beauty and evocation to bring all vividly before us.’-Sunday Telegraph

‘The English-speaking world is divided into those who have read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit and those who are going to read them.’
Sunday Times

‘A story magnificently told, with every kind of colour and movement and greatness.’-New Statesman

“The author has intimate access to an epic tradition of Germanic history, civilized by the gentler genius of modern England.” The New York Times

‘Masterpiece? Oh yes, I’ve no doubt about that.’-Evening Standard

Customer reviews on barnesandnoble fro the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien


Neosho, mo

 out of 5 stars.

a year ago  

In the book Lord of the rings the two towers written by j.r.r tolkein they start the adventure off by merry and pippin get kidnapped by some ogres thinking that they are a part of some sort of prophecy. Several other members of the Fellowship including Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn resolve to pursue Merry and Pippin. They follow the hobbits’ tracks through fields and forests, always on the lookout for Orcs. The group encounters the Riders of Rohan, led by Eomer. While this is all happening another group of orcs kidnap merry and pippin thinking they have the ring of power
During this whole escapade Aragorn is haunted by Sauron then out of nowhere gandalf appears reporn after his fall into the abyss they then find Aragorn in isengard where they find merry and pippen.
In the second half of the book we are joined with Frodo and Samwise after they left the group because they were taking the ring to Mordor to destroy it in the volcano. On their journey they meet a small little creature named Gollum who they force to be their guide to Mordor. They do know a little about gollum. They know he was one of the previous owners of it and wants it back.Frodo, Sam, and Gollum journey through a smelly marshland in which they can see the faces of slain warriors haunting the waters. They travel by night, as Gollum cannot stand the sun
They finally reach the Black Gate of the realm of Mordor and see Sauron’s Dark Tower rising overhead. The Gate is well guarded, and the hobbits wonder how they will be able to get inside. Gollum directs them to a different, hidden path into Mordor, where the guards will likely be sparser. On the way, the hobbits are frightened by dark shapes flying overhead the Nazgul, the Black Riders of Sauron who are searching for the Ring.
Gollum leads Frodo and Sam up the mountain called Cirith Ungol and into tunnels inhabited by Shelob, a giant, deadly female spider. Shelob paralyzes Frodo with her sting, but Sam kills the spider. Frodo and Sam are separated, however, as Orc guards find Frodo and proceed to take him off to their headquarters, where they plan to search him for the Ring. Sam believes Frodo to be dead, so he accepts the responsibility of carrying the Ring by himself. Surrounded by Orcs, the terrified Sam dons the Ring and finds that it enables him to understand the Orc language. Sam follows the guards who carry off the paralyzed Frodo. Upon hearing them mention that Shelob only devours living creatures, Sam is shocked to realize that his friend is alive. He is mad at himself for taking the Ring for himself, unaware that he has actually saved the Ring and kept it from Sauron by taking it from Frodo.As The Two Towers ends, Sam is upset by the thought that he and Frodo are separated.

4 out of 5 stars.
3 years ago  

The Company Of The Ring Has Been Dispersed—By Deception, Orcs, And …

The company of the Ring has been dispersed—by deception, orcs, and the lure of power. Frodo and Sam have begun the arduous journey to Mordor. Merry and Pippin are captured by orcs who are under orders to keep the Halflings alive and unsearched, and bring them to the wizard Saruman in Isengard. Gandalf was lost at the bridge of Khazad Dûm in the mines of Moria battling an ancient, mighty evil. While searching for the captured hobbits, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas cross paths with the riders of Rohan, the great horsemen of the Riddermark, whose king’s mind is shadowed by a devious counselor.

A new cast of creatures and characters will reveal themselves—some as guides, some as hindrances—to what remains of the fellowship. But always there remains hope, even during the mighty battle at Helm’s Deep, a premonition of the wars that have been and remain to be fought in Gondor, who yet requires the aid of more than just men.

The Two Towers is the second book in the Lord of the Rings, filled with gripping action, wondrous scenery, and deeper revelations of the characters of men when tempted with great power. This book is perfect for fans of suspenseful, epic fantasy adventures.


5 out of 5 stars.
3 years ago  

Marvellous Work Of Fiction!!!!

This is one of my most beloved books!!! If you are a Tolkien fan or a fiction/fantasy fan in general, find some free time and start reading this!!! This is a wonderful continuation of the events of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part in this epic story. In this book, every time the good side is victorious, you feel victorious too. Those who believe or write the negative one-star and two-star reviews on this book or any work of Tolkien’s obviously don’t know what good fiction means. Intensely moving, positively thrilling, and incredibly inspiring, this book is certain to add a little touch of excitement and action to your day (for those who DO KNOW what good fiction is).

4 out of 5 stars.4 years ago  

Great Book Series. A Terrific Story To Read Nightly To The Older K ids

Great Book Series. A terrific story to read nightly to the older kids. Something to get into and even discuss. I remember my babysitter reading some of this book series to us many, many, many years ago. J.R.R. Tolkien always comes through for us, the readers.

Customer reviews on Amazon for the two towers by J.R.R Tolkien

Daniel Mildren

5.0 out of 5 stars The midpoint to the classic fantasy adventure

Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2019

Verified Purchase

The two towers has long been one of my favorite works of fiction or fantasy. Continuing the journeys of the now broken fellowship, The Two Towers follows Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli in pursuit of Merry and Pippin through Rohan, as well as Sam and Frodos trek through Emyn Muil and the Dead Marshes toward Mordor, aided by Gollum.
Featuring one of the strongest scenes int he series as Sam stands up to Shelob, as well as a beautifull described siege at Helm’s Deep, The Two Towers is sure to please any fan of Tolkien’s other works.

W. D. Preece

5.0 out of 5 stars Comments are from many different editions.

Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2018

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1. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is an industry and genre standard. Buy it, read it, and love it like the rest of the world!

2. This ‘review’ is really just a reminder that Amazon is lumping all reviews of all editions of The Two Towers together. The book pictured is the edition you will get. If you want an editions that has illustrations, for example, make sure you are adding that particular edition to your cart. I came to these comments through the black covered larger sized paperback listing. It has no illustrations other than a few black and white line art maps.

John William Mazzochi

5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect for my need, and perfect for JUST the read!

Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2020

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I bought two of these books to take with me to MegaCon in Orlando this year and have signed by the actors who played the Hobbits in the LOTR movies. These books are to be gifts for my family who love LOTR. For that purpose, these books are PERFECT! They are economically feasible, compact, and have really unique design. Again, PERFECT for having signed and then being keepsakes. OR, if you are new to LOTR and want JUST to read the book in its physical form, and pay little to do so, then these are PERFECT! However, if you are a die-hard LOTR fan and want big sprawling maps and illustrations and the like, these books are NOT for you! Ideal for the pocket, travel, on the go reader or newbie. Also, these books are a little over 6″ tall, and are the light blue ones depicted in the advert above, and are actually really nice looking!


5.0 out of 5 stars Victory

Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2021

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Reading Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy had been something that I dreamed of doing when I was younger, however due to lack of reading confidence in relation to my dyslexia I never attempted it and put it off for far too long. I’ve always admired what I heard about Tolkien’s creation, such imagination! On top of that, finding out he was a man of faith gave me a kinda hope, I think. I’ve always been a big dreamer and my faith has always been important to me. There always seemed to be this stigma around the fantasy genre growing up. Tolkien made me realize there’s a place for dreamers with faith.

I’m beyond thrilled to have finished Two Towers. My uncle said it was his least favorite, but I think it gives so much to the readers. Faramir for example is a character that I wasn’t overly impressed by in the movies. Or maybe I should say he didn’t make a big impression. I felt bad for him of course. But the book gives you not only so much more insight to his character, but the kingdom of Gondor and the men that hail from there. You just gain so much more, although my reading time was long on this, it really was a page turner. To me it was one of those books I’m so torn. I want to speed read through it. But then I also don’t want it to end.

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