Graceling by Kristin Cashore pdf Free Download, Characters, Reviews

Graceling by Kristin Cashore is a young adult fantasy novel written by American author Kristin Cashore, her literary debut. The book earned a place on the Publishers Weekly Best Books of the Year for 2008 and received generally favorable reviews. It was followed by a prequel companion book entitled Fire. A sequel companion, Bitterblue, which takes place eight years after the events in Graceling, was published on May 1, 2012, by Dial, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group. In this article you will be able to freely download Graceling by Kristin Cashore pdf as well as do the following:

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Summary of Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Graceling takes place in a world where Gracelings, or people with a “Grace” or special powers, are identified as children because their eyes are two different colors and are put in the service of the king. Katsa is a young woman known for her Grace of killing. Katsa has been in the service of her uncle, King Randa, since she was a child, tasked with executing or torturing those who oppose or displease him. She also runs the secret “Council”, which aims for justice in the Seven Kingdoms. A Council mission to save an old Lienid grandfather from a prison unearths a mystery and an unexpected Graced Lienid man whose fighting skills match Katsa’s. She renders him unconscious but lets him live, despite the fact that he recognized her. He later arrives at King Randa’s court, introduces himself as Prince Greening or “Po”, and claims to be seeking his grandfather. Katsa fights Po, but later reveals that they have rescued his grandfather in secret. The two become friends as well as sparring partners, though Katsa feels betrayed when she discovers that Po’s Grace is not fighting, but secretly a form of mind reading. When commanded to dole out an unfair punishment, Katsa defies King Randa and sets out with Po to find the true kidnappers of the old Lienid. The two determine that Katsa’s Grace isn’t killing, but survival.

Katsa and Po follow the trail of the kidnappers, and Po’s Grace reveals that the revered King Leck of Monsea has committed numerous crimes, though they simultaneously swear that Leck is innocent. Po decides that King Leck, who is one-eyed, must be secretly Graced with the power to make others believe his lies. Katsa and Po set out to rescue Po’s Aunt Ashen and her daughter Bitterblue from King Leck. Katsa and Po find Leck, who kills Ashen as she flees. Katsa is overwhelmed by Leck’s Graced power and they are forced to flee. Once alone, they are able to find Bitterblue hiding in the forest. Po confronts Leck, but is severely wounded and has to hide in the woods in Monsea, while Katsa and Bitterblue flee through a dangerous and inaccessible mountain pass. Katsa and Bitterblue survive the journey and get to a ship at the port of Suncliff. They convince the ship’s captain that they are acting for Prince Po, and make for Po’s castle. Graceling is a beloved classic that has continued to resonate with readers for over a decade.

About the Author of Graceling – Kristin Cashore

Kristin Cashore is an exceptional new voice in the fantasy genre whose characterisation, beautifully realised world and compelling narratives set her apart. If you love to be swept up and away by a novel then these are must-read books, from a master storyteller. Cashore grew up in the northeast Pennsylvania countryside as the second of four daughters. She received a bachelor’s degree from Williams College and a master’s from the Center for the Study of Children’s Literature at Simmons College, and she has worked as a dog runner, a packer in a candy factory, an editorial assistant, a legal assistant, and a freelance writer.

She has lived in many places (including Sydney, New York City, Boston, London, Austin, and Jacksonville, Florida), and she currently lives in the Boston area. Graceling, her first book, was an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, won the prestigious Mythopoeic Award, and is already a New York Times bestseller. Fire is her second novel.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Kristin Cashore

Information About the Book Graceling

Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Major Characters in Graceling by Kristin Cashore

  • Lady Katsa – The protagonist. Katsa’s Grace is initially thought to be killing, because she accidentally killed a cousin who touched her inappropriately when she was eight. Her uncle, King Randa, forced Katsa to torture and kill any who displeased him, causing Katsa to garner a fearful reputation. Katsa and Po eventually realize that her Grace is not killing, but survival. Katsa has fair skin, dark hair and mismatched eyes, one green and one blue.
  • Prince Po – Full name Greening Grandemalion, son of King Ror, and the youngest of the seven princes of Lienid. Po’s Grace involves mind reading as well as spacial awareness, as he can sense both the physical world around him and other’s thoughts. However, Po can only read others’ thoughts on the topic of Po himself. When his mother and grandfather discovered his Po’s Grace, they feared people would distrust him or use him because of it, so they taught him to pass it off as a fighting Grace. His mismatched gold and silver eyes earned him the nickname “Po”, after the gold and silver leaves of the Lienid Po tree.
  • King Leck – The King of Monsea and the primary antagonist of the book. Although he is renowned for his kindness towards small animals and children, Leck is actually a sadist who enjoys torturing and experimenting on people and animals alike. Leck keeps his true inclinations hidden with his powerful Grace: the ability to control people through his words. Leck is married to Ashen, King Ror’s sister, and has a daughter with her, Bitterblue. Leck wears an eyepatch, which conveniently hides the fact that he is a Graceling. Leck claims that the eyepatch is due to an injury he suffered at a young age.
  • Bitterblue – The 10-year-old daughter of King Leck, Princess of Monsea, and Po’s cousin. Leck’s Grace lost power over Bitterblue when she saw him hit her mother. Over the course of the book she grows close to Katsa and Po, her protectors and friends. She is the main protagonist in the sequel, Bitterblue.
  • King Randa – King of the Middluns, Katsa’s uncle, and Prince Raffin’s father. Like most kings in the Seven Kingdoms, he is far from being a fair or just ruler. Randa uses Katsa to bully his citizens into submission, often commanding her to kill or maim innoncent people.
  • Prince Raffin – The Prince of the Middluns, Katsa’s cousin, King Randa’s son. Mostly ignored by his father, Raffin enjoys working on medicines and cures, a fascination he shares with his assistant and lover, Bann. He secretly works for the Council.
  • Bann – Prince Raffin’s assistant. It’s implied that the two are lovers, which is confirmed in Bitterblue.
  • Lord Giddon – One of Randa’s underlords, and a member of the Council. He wants to marry Katsa and is jealous when Katsa becomes closer to Po.
  • Lord Oll – Randa’s captain and spymaster. He secretly works as a member of the Council. Oll helped Katsa learn how to control her Grace.
  • Helda – Katsa’s maidservant. Helda is also a spy and a member of the Council.
  • Captain Faun – Ship captain and tradeswoman. She is a Graceling with the ability to predict storms.

Where to buy Graceling by Kristin Cashore online

You can buy this book Graceling by one of America’s bestselling author Kristin Cashore from the following sites:

Read reviews on Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Editorial reviews and praise for Graceling

From School Library Journal

Gr 9 Up-Throughout the Seven Kingdoms, individuals with two different colored eyes are Graced with unique talents. Blue- and green-eyed Katsa, King Randa’s niece, is Graced with fighting abilities, so the king uses her as a thug, but Katsa has started a Secret Council where she and others work for justice. When Prince Po, a silver- and gold-eyed Graceling from Lienid, comes to Randa’s court to find his kidnapped grandfather, he inspires Katsa to leave Randa’s service and discover the reason for the kidnapping-and the truth behind King Leck of Monsea’s reputation for kindness. Hinds’s graphic novel retelling is faithful to Cashore’s original story, honoring her world-building, characters, plot, dialogue, and description; his art brings the highly visual tale to life, from dramatic fight sequences and beautiful landscapes to details like a blush on Katsa’s cheeks and ice on her eyelashes. The Gracelings’ heterochromia is visually striking. Katsa and most Middluns people are white; Po and the Lienids have brown skin. As the characters change locations, Randa’s castle’s secret passageways and maps of the seven kingdoms are woven naturally into the story, helping readers follow the action. VERDICT This rich graphic novel adaptation should delight existing fans of the Graceling realm and attract many new ones. Highly recommended for all YA graphic novel collections.-Jenny Arch, Lilly Lib., Florence, MAα(c) Copyright 2011. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

★ “This rich graphic novel adaptation should delight existing fans of the Graceling realm and attract many new ones. Highly recommended.” — School Library Journal (starred review)

“This gorgeous adaptation of Cashore’s bestselling novel maintains all of the action, suspense, and romance of the source material.” — Booklist

“This is at its heart much more than just an adventure story: It is a story that looks at consent and power over others and a romance between two people dealing with the ways control over themselves affects the larger world—and their hearts as well…. An adaptation of a YA classic that is sure to draw in new fans.” — Kirkus Reviews

“The action is terrific, the story is well-developed for readers unfamiliar with this world, and the ethical questions raised… are compelling and handled with nuance. The true heart of this version, however, are the illustrations themselves. Hinds trusts readers to find meaning in silences, sometimes pages long, and hover there, soaking in subtle gestures that tell the story as much as the fast-moving action scenes.” — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

“Gareth Hinds adapted and illustrated Cashore’s groundbreaking fantasy debut Graceling, bringing her rich fantasy world to life with stunning visuals. I love how Hinds weaves in fantasy maps and world building elements in and among the art.” — Book Riot

Customer reviews on bookdepository for Graceling

Fantasy books were my first love when it came to reading, and I grew up on stories bursting with mythology, knights, and princesses (my favourites were those that had characters who could be both a knight AND a princess). Nothing gets my heart pounding and the pages turning like a magical, adventurous fantasy novel! I first heard of Graceling immediately after reading The Hunger Games a few years ago – I kept getting recommendations for it, but for whatever reason I didn’t pick it up until recently. Waiting to read this book until now was one of the biggest mistakes in my reading history! I’m convinced that Kristin Cashore is a genius and this book is proof of that. Reasons to Read: 1.A richly developed fantasy world: This is a must for good fantasy books; I need to buy into the magical world and the best ones have a well-established world with its own rules and norms, but with enough similarities that we can relate to them. Plus, I like books that include MAPS of the fantasy worlds. That’s pretty legit for me. And the names of places, things and people should be vaguely familiar but not so overdone that they come off as silly and fake. Graceling easily avoids any and all of these issues and stands as one of a few YA fantasy books that works so well! 2.Familiar problems & issues: I don’t think it’s much of a secret that Graceling delves into some questions regarding the role of women within a society and the obstacles in their way as equal members of society. What may be surprising, however, is how WELL Kristin deals with this and successfully weaves it into the story. I wouldn’t call it subtle, but it is oh-so poignant. Katsa is a bit of an anomoly in her world, where women are often mistreated and lack the means to protect themselves; but as she slowly begins to recognize how problematic this is and ultimately questions if she can do anything about it. It’s striking, and resonates so well because of how familiar it is to us. 3.Katsa & Po’s friendship: I love Katsa, and I love Po! Even separately, they were fantastic characters that I found amusing and amiable. But it’s the way that they played off each other and slowly grew closer together that truly sold me on them as characters and their role in the story. Here’s a couple you can’t help but root for the whole way through; and most of all, I loved seeing a respectful male lead who wants to encourage the heroine and do everything he can to help her in the way she needs and respect her decisions. So, I’ve now joined the ranks of Graceling/Kristin Cashore fans. I’m KICKING myself for waiting this long to have read it, and I’ve moved on to Fire already 🙂 Graceling is a thought-provoking and addictive read, one that will leaving you craving more. I could honestly say so much more about this one, but I’m going to save it for a spoiler-filled review, coming soon 🙂 Perfect read for anyone looking for a heartbreaking, emotionally touching, thought provoking read. This one has a well-deserved new space on my favourites shelf; and I can’t wait to finish off Fire and then get started on Bitterblue (as soon as I manage to get my hands on a copy)! Thoughts on the audio: A few people had told me that I must listen to Graceling on audio because it was good- and they were right (again. Clearly I have awesome people recommending books to me). This would actually be a perfect book to introduce a new listener to audiobooks because it’s Full Cast, although you’ll also be spoiled by it for other books. Full Cast is fantastic because it’s such a great quality; there are multiple narrators, all of whom are excellent. Plus there’s a little bit of background music at times that helps create a good atmosphere for listening to the story. Hands down, the best, most addictive audio book I’ve ever listened to. WELL worth the cost of buying it! If you’re new to audiobooks, or just haven’t given this one a try yet then I HIGHLY recommend that you pick it up. Like now.  By Brenna Staats

This book was an unexpected treasure! It had the flavour of the Eon/Eona books with a touch of the Inheritance cycle books. Absolutely loved them. Bought them again to give as gifts. Didn’t like FIRE as well as Graceling, but still enjoyed it. Can’t wait for BITTERBLUE, already preordered it! A magic world filled with romance and adventure, what’s not to love? By  MJ

In most of the seven kingdoms, people born with a Grace–an extreme skill that they can perform above all others–are usually feared. However, King Randa of the Middluns kingdom has exploited Katsa’s ability to kill ever since her Grace surfaced at the tender age of eight. Katsa had even begun to think that maybe, in reality, she really was nothing but an attack dog, until one day she decided to follow her own will and let an innocent man live. Since then, she and her cousin, Prince Raffin, have put together a secret council to rescue people suffering from similar injustices. During a rescue mission to free the father of the Lienid king from a dungeon in Sunder, Katsa squares off with a Graced Lienid man who is almost her equal in fighting. When he shows up in Middluns, Katsa is dismayed to learn that he is one of the Lienid princes, nicknamed “Po,” in search of his missing grandfather. Although Katsa is at first wary of his intentions, she soon finds a kindred spirit in Po, and the two grow close as they set off on a journey to solve the mystery surrounding the kidnapping of Po’s grandfather. In Monsea, a kingdom isolated by mountains, Po’s aunt and young cousin may be in grave danger… Akin to the tales of Tamora Pierce, this story features strong female characters and an exciting medieval world full of magic and action. Definitely not one to miss! *Gold Star Award Winner!  By TeensReadToo

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