Friend Request Pdf Summary Reviews By Laura Marshall

Friend Request Pdf is a Mystery Thriller novel By Laura Marshall. Maria Weston sends a friend request but Maria Weston is dead right except someone is pretending to be her after all these years. Full of intrigue and suspense, this is one thriller you should definitely read.

Friend Request Summary

1989. When Louise first notices the new girl who has mysteriously transferred late into their senior year, Maria seems to be everything the girls Louise hangs out with aren’t. Authentic. Funny. Brash. Within just a few days, Maria and Louise are on their way to becoming fast friends.

2016. Louise receives a heart-stopping email: Maria Weston wants to be friends on Facebook. Long-buried memories quickly rise to the surface: those first days of their budding friendship; cruel decisions made and dark secrets kept; the night that would change all their lives forever.

Louise has always known that if the truth ever came out, she could stand to lose everything. Her job. Her son. Her freedom. Maria’s sudden reappearance threatens it all, and forces Louise to reconnect with everyone she’d severed ties with to escape the past. But as she tries to piece together exactly what happened that night, Louise discovers there’s more to the story than she ever knew. To keep her secret, Louise must first uncover the whole truth, before what’s known to Maria – or whoever’s pretending to be her – is known to all.

Friend Request Book Review


About Laura Marshall Author of Friend Request Pdf Book

Laura Marshall
Laura Marshall

Laura Marshall Author of Friend Request pdf is the bestselling author of three psychological thrillers. Her debut novel, Friend Request, was a Kindle No.1 and Sunday Times bestseller, with over half a million copies sold in the UK. Laura’s books have sold in twenty-four territories around the globe.

She grew up in Wiltshire, studied English at the University of Sussex and currently lives in Kent with her family. For more information visit Laura’s website or find her at or on Twitter @laurajm8.

Friend Request pdf, Paperback, Hardcover Book Information

Friend Request Pdf
Friend Request Pdf
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sphere (January 1, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 075156835X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0751568356
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 9.7 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.67 x 0.98 x 7.95 inches
  • Best Sellers Rank: #1,203,880 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
  • #3,516 in Technothrillers (Books)
  • #4,215 in Friendship Fiction (Books)
  • #13,356 in Psychological Fiction (Books)
  • Customer Reviews: 4.0 out of 5 stars    6,306 ratings

Friend Request Book Reviews

Master Chief

4.0 out of 5 stars A Page Turner That Keeps You Guessing Until The End
Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2018

Verified Purchase

Louise Williams arrives home from work as an interior designer to find a Facebook friend request from Maria Weston. There’s only one problem…Maria has been dead for 25 years. Or has she. Louise was never much of a Facebook person. She could take it or leave, but this particular day will have glued to Facebook every day, all day. After Louise accepts the Facebook friend request from Maria her mind starts wondering to her high school days and what she and another girl did to Maria back in 1986. A secret Louise has been carrying with her 25 years.

The friend request has Louise a bit perplexed and very concerned. If Maria is dead then who could be on her profile page. But as Louise explorers, she becomes even more concerned that perhaps Maria isn’t dead after all as she and others have been led to believe. Louise decides to look up some old high school classmates. One of them being Queen Bee of the school, Sophie Hannigan. Upon finding her Facebook page she finds Sophie’s page and looks it over to see what Sophie has been doing in the last 25 years.

Sophie wasn’t Louise’s favorite person, but someone she wanted to impress in high school. Anxiety fills Louise as she debates if she should put a friend request to Sophie or not. After some thought, she puts in the request in which Sophie accepts straight away. Right after the acceptance, Louise receives a message from Sophie which seems to take Louise back to high school when she sought Sophie’s approval. From there, they begin messaging each other. A connection Louise partially wants and doesn’t want But this connection will bring up than just memories Louise had been hiding for 25 years.

The same night Louise gets the Facebook friend request from Maria and through her messaging with Sophie Louise learns of the 25TH high school. A reunion she was not provided an invitation to. This stings Louise a bit. She finds the page about the reunion to see all who are going and surprised by the list for of the people going know what Louise did 25 years ago.

The night Louise accepts Maria’s Facebook friend request which leads her to her reconnecting with Sophie sets off a chain of events for Louise that not only produces sleepless nights but could possibly put her successful interior design business in jeopardy. Not to mention her longtime friendship with Polly, who is also her business partner.

Louise is getting Facebook messages from Maria and these aren’t regular messages. These are messages that tell Louise that Maria knows a lot about Louise, her son Henry who is 4, and her business. Each message Louise receives not only makes her face her demons from 25 years ago, but they also make her wonder who is really behind the Maria Weston profile for Louise is sure Maria died 25 years ago after their senior prom. But Louise begins to think more and more that perhaps Maria didn’t die on that night and the truth will come out at the high school reunion.

Laura Marshall does a great job of keeping the reader enthralled on what’s going on. The characters are introduced within the context of something happening. Therefore, we are not overwhelmed with too many details about each character. As the characters show up throughout the book more details are given about them and their relationship to Louise.

The relationship Louise has with her four-year-old son Henry is well written and feels real as with her relationship with her now ex-husband, Sam, whom she shares custody of Henry with. Again, without going into much detail, the reader is given insight into how Henry’s relationship with Sam and his new family affects Louise and Henry.

Friend Request explores more than Louise getting a Facebook friend request from a supposedly dead classmate. It explores the relationship between a single mother and her child. The effects divorce has on a child. Those you thought had it all in high school really didn’t and still don’t as adults. Those you thought didn’t have had it all in high school become somebody in adult life. And it definitely explorers the affects high school have on people long after they have left, whether it’s good or bad.

I give the book four stars for the mere fact that when the reveal, and there were two, happened I was shocked for two reasons. The first reveal was someone who wasn’t in the book enough for me to care about. If the character had been built up more I think I would have had a chin on the floor, but that wasn’t the case.

The second reveal was someone I didn’t care for in the book. I will say this, the second reveal put a lot of things into perspective for Louise and for the reader. But the question still remained, is Maria Weston really dead?

Nenia Campbell


4.0 out of 5 stars A slow-paced, character-driven thriller
Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2020

Verified Purchase

Introvert me is like: This is why I don’t have friends. You can’t trust friends.
As with 90% of the books on my Kindle, FRIEND REQUEST was an impulse buy back from when it was on sale (and should not be confused with the terrible movie by the same title). Set in England, FRIEND REQUEST is the story of a woman named Louise, told in dual timelines: 1989, when she was a teenager; and 2016, as a middle-aged woman with a son.

Louise is the type of character that I find really fascinating in fiction because we don’t often see them portrayed well. She’s spineless, insecure, self-centered, cowardly, and horribly flawed, and yet, because it’s narrated in first person, we get to see all of the mental gymnastics she performs to try to make herself out as the good person, even when she’s doing terrible things. And when she receives a friend request on Facebook from a classmate long thought dead, all of the dark secrets of her own personal Pandora’s box come flying out as we slowly figure out what happened on the last night that she saw her ex-friend Maria, and what is at stake for her now, as an adult.

I saw that some people didn’t like this book because it was really slow and I totally sympathize with that. Even though this book wasn’t particularly long, it took forEVER to read because so much of it was build-up (and the pay-off really wasn’t as satisfying as it could have been). That said, I can be all about slow-paced books if they are immersive enough, and FRIEND REQUEST is as much a fascinating character study about the cruelty of teenage girl cliques, as it is a murder mystery. Parts of it really reminded me of Megan Abbott, who also writes quite prolifically on the intense and dark dynamics of teen girls at their worst. Obviously, the 1989 parts were my favorites.

Anyone who likes slow-paced mysteries will really like this. I actually just read my first Riley Sager book, and I think that Laura Marshall’s style (once you get over the chatty, very British narrative) is pretty similar– at least in terms of pacing and what she sets out to accomplish with her book. While this isn’t a book I would reread, I would definitely check out more from this author in the future.

Vicky Matthews

3.0 out of 5 stars Some initial intrigue, but ultimately too contrived
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 23, 2018

Verified Purchase

I find the buzz around this book a bit mystifying. To me, it seems over-rated. However, I did enjoy the portrayal of the schooldays’ insecurities and paranoia around meeting up with peers not seen for many years (especially with the advent of social media, which probably only highlights the sense of competition and comparison – not to mention the “undiscussed things” lurking in the background). So, that was definitely a good psychological hook and sustained my interest for a while, but as the novel progressed and became more plot-driven, there were too many aspects that felt contrived and not believable. As the writing became increasingly one-dimensional, I found myself skimming through the pages.

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