A Crown of Swords Overview pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 7) – In this post, you will get the following:
- A Crown of Swords Overview
- A Crown of Swords Summary
- A Crown of Swords pdf and Paperback – Buy Online
- A Crown of Swords Author – Robert Jordan
- A Crown of Swords Book Information
- A Crown of Swords Book Review
- A Crown of Swords pdf Download
A Crown of Swords Overview
A Crown of Swords pdf written by American author Robert Jordan, is a fantasy novel and the seventh book in the The Wheel of Time book series. It was published by Tor Books and released on May 15, 1996. A Crown of Swords consists of a prologue and 41 chapters.
A Crown of Swords Summary
- Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, prepares to attack the Forsaken Sammael in Illian while enjoying life with his friend, Min Farshaw, and attempting to quell the rebellion by nobles in Cairhien, during which Padan Fain severely injures him. After recovering, Rand, accompanied by Asha’man, defeats Sammael in Shadar Logoth, where Sammael is destroyed by Mashadar. Rand then takes the crown of Illian: formerly the Laurel Crown, but now called the ‘Crown of Swords’.
- Egwene al’Vere and Siuan Sanche attempt to manipulate the Aes Sedai in Salidar against Elaida’s Aes Sedai in the White Tower. Investigating Myrelle Berengari, Egwene exploits the transfer of Lan Mandragoran’s Warder bond from Moiraine to Myrelle, to force Myrelle and Nisao to swear fealty to her.
- In the city of Ebou Dar in Altara, Elayne Trakand, Nynaeve al’Meara, Aviendha, and Mat Cauthon search for a ter’angreal, the Bowl of the Winds, to break the unnatural heat brought by the Dark One’s manipulation of climate. They find it and enlist the help of the Kin and the Atha’an Miere. They also confront a Gholam. Mat is left behind and caught in the fighting as the Seanchan invade Ebou Dar.
A Crown of Swords pdf and Paperback – Buy Online
You can buy A Crown of Swords pdf and paperback online with the links below:
- https://www.amazon.com
- https://www.barnesandnoble.com
- https://www.thriftbooks.com
- https://www.abebooks.com
- https://www.biblio.com
A Crown of Swords Author – Robert Jordan

Robert Jordan the Author of A Crown of Swords pdf, is best known for his internationally bestselling epic fantasy series The Wheel of Time, which has sold over 40 million copies in North America and is currently being adapted for the screen. A native of Charleston, Jordan graduated from The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, with a degree in physics. He served two tours in Vietnam with the U.S. Army, and received multiple decorations for his service.
READ other books in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan:
- The Eye of the World Pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 1) | Robert Jordan
- The Great Hunt Pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 2) | Robert Jordan
- The Dragon Reborn pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 3) | Robert Jordan
- The Shadow Rising pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 4) | Robert Jordan
- The Fires of Heaven pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 5) | Robert Jordan
- Lord of Chaos pdf (The Wheel of Time, Book 6) | Robert Jordan
A Crown of Swords Book Information
A crown of swords, which has both pdf and paperback versions has the product details below:

- Publisher : Tor Books (November 15, 1997)
- Language : English
- Mass Market Paperback : 896 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0812550285
- ISBN-13 : 978-0812550283
- Reading age : 12 years
- Grade level : 7 and up
- Item Weight : 14.7 ounces
- Dimensions : 4.25 x 1.47 x 7.13 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #157,569 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #592 in Military Fantasy (Books)
- #3,860 in Sword & Sorcery Fantasy (Books)
- #7,022 in Epic Fantasy (Books)
- Customer Reviews:
- 4.7 out of 5 stars
- 5,252 ratings
A Crown of Swords Book Review
Bryan DesmondTop Contributor: Dragon Ball Z (TV Show)
4.0 out of 5 stars
Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time, may learn the truth too late…
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2019Verified Purchase
I’m sitting between four and five stars for A Crown of Swords, the seventh installment in the Wheel of Time, but I think four hits the mark. Speaking of hitting the mark, I am now officially halfway through the series. I will give fair warning there are (light) spoilers below. Heavy ones will be hidden. The light ones may come off as obvious even to non-readers, but still I want to warn.
Now, this one starts out in an interesting and appropriate way. The prologue gives us a glimpse of what was happening just prior to (and during) the events at Dumai’s Wells from points of view we did not get to see, and then the first few chapters deal with the immediate aftermath. I say appropriate because the implications and repercussions of Dumai’s Wells was immense, and so to cover it this way with no pause was really well done. Jordan actually purposefully keeps us out of Rand’s head for a bit at the start, making us guess at his inner turmoil after said events. This was well done too. Eventually of course we do hop back inside his head, and his story continues to grip me. The pain of it. The necessity. The inner turmoil. The Dragon Reborn’s conquest continues as he brings folk and faction of all kind under his banner in preparation for Tarmon Gaidon. Even if it takes him a little while to do so. Even if women confuse him. (Do I still need to touch on the ridiculousness of the whole ‘Men vs. Women’ attitude the books are riddled with? I don’t see it changing, so I just stomach it, but Jordan.. just, come on, man.)
It’s sort of funny; when I read these I am pulled in two different directions internally. I swing between the feeling that a lot is happening, and the feeling that almost nothing is happening. It’s hard to pinpoint the cause of both of these feelings, but I think it has something to do with just how detailed Robert Jordan is. The man is extremely descriptive. Not just when it comes to his world; the clothes, the cities, the buildings, the colors, the animals, the people, but also when it comes to our characters. Meaning we end up spending a lot of time in our character’s heads. So when something relatively small is accomplished, or something that takes a relatively short amount of time, it can end up feeling like it took a much longer amount of time. In this way, Jordan is able to stuff a lot of content into what amounts to pretty short amounts of ‘in-world’ time.
There are both pros and cons to this. One obvious pro is that (if you get behind this sort of thing) you can sink very deep into the story and world; full immersion, so to speak. The obvious con.. is that it can also feel a bit dry at times. You can spend significant amounts of time in POVs that you don’t find all that interesting. Or POVs that you do find interesting, but that happen to be in the middle of a situation that you don’t find that interesting. It’s an unfortunate reality of sprawling, epic tales like this one. So, the question is do the pros outweigh the cons in these situations? For me the answer is yes. Bits of this story did drag a little. For example, the plot piece that Nynaeve, Elayne, Aviendah, and Mat are involved in is one that I expected to be resolved by the end of book six. Here, at the end of book seven, it has only just begun to be resolved. Rather, it was resolved, but new complications have arisen. Now this is where the pros and cons come in, because I find these complications quite interesting, to say the least, and I’m eager to see what comes next. It’s give and take.
I guess to sum it up, I love the world of the Wheel of Time. So I will plod through slow parts to get to the juicy ones. And make no mistake, Jordan did make sure to keep up the pace when it slowed. Several events in this book were long awaited, and others very exciting. It was welcome to have a fair amount of Perrin chapters, and perhaps the most Mat chapters of any of the books thus far. Mat Cauthon is fast becoming a favorite character of mine. Jordan is good at something that Sanderson does a lot, and I can’t help but think Brandon was influenced in this regard. He raises questions within the story; about a character, about a place, about an event, and then eventually gives answer. But he always raises more interesting questions. I am still learning more about this world with every single book. There is so much we don’t know yet, and I’m here to learn it all. Book eight is up next.
‘Master of the lightning, rider on the storm, wearer of a crown of swords, spinner-out of fate. Who thinks he turns the Wheel of Time, may learn the truth too late.’
3.0 out of 5 stars
90% Filler
Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2022
Verified Purchase
I’ve never felt the need to rate any WoT book below four stars, but this is the weakest book in the series so far. For an almost 900 page volume, there’s very little here that advances the plot in any meaningful way. The highlights are Rand’s much hyped showdown with the Forsaken Sammael (which, no spoilers, has a very underwhelming ending), and some interesting developments with The Children of the Light, Moghedien, and the Seanchan. The rest is just filler. Most of it involves the extremely dull Bowl of Winds subplot, an artifact that can apparently stop the world suffering through a supernatural heatwave – an ongoing event so meaningless that it’s barely mentioned, and to be honest I’d forgotten all about it until the end.
So that means we’re stuck with reading about Nynaeve, Elayne, and Mat scurrying around the city of Ebou Dar for what feels like years, accomplishing nothing until the last couple of chapters. I’ve made no secret of my dislike of Nynaeve and Elayne, but at least Birgitte and Aviendha are there to balance them out. Mat’s character is also ruined here, as a large portion of this section is devoted to how he becomes some sort of boy-toy slave to the Queen – not kidding. I guess it’s supposed to be funny, but it fails miserably. Rand aside, men have always seemed to be lesser in this series (acting like goofs, and even on the occasions where they aid the women, they’re still berated and insulted) and this just reinforces that the genders will never be equal in the Wheel of Time. I promised myself I’d see this series to the end, but after this I’m not really in a hurry to move on to the next one.
Amazon Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars
Enjoyable if you are a fan, or are too hooked on earlier books to stop
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 18, 2022
Verified Purchase
Can you just say ‘no’ to another Wheel of Time book? Probably not if consuming the earlier books has left you an addict.
If you are a fan of this series, then this book is much more of the same. A huge and diverse world, with a cast of thousands, this good-verses evil and all shades in between series will keep you burning the midnight oil for months. You become vested in the characters and want to see them face their difficulties and triumph.
You have to ignore the endless carping about men vs women that annoys because of the repetition. The characters are written to their background and unique culture within the Wheel of Time universe and are necessarily artificial, but the antagonism is couched within character development and characters grow to understand or tolerate each other eventually.
Also repetitive are the descriptions of the number of dresses some characters have and what petticoats they are wearing today – to give one example. If you like these books then you will have started right back with book 1, and so by book 7, you would have thought that all this stuff is known to the reader and can be reined back a bit.
The only other big nuisance is the pace. Robert Jordan fills up the book with slow development of the huge plot and cast of thousands, and then suddenly realizes that the book has become big enough and publisher needs the book finished, so a big ending is nailed on the end. The change of page is too precipitous and does not build the tension early enough. No spoilers here – this happens in earlier books too.
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