In today’s bible study, we will discuss a bible nugget titled, “Think before you act – a smart way to avoid mistake.” Let us begin by discussing a passage from the bible.
Bible Study Passage
When God obligated Moses to go unto Pharaoh and tell him to let the children of Israel go in the book of Exodus chapter 3, Moses expressed no interests in accepting the duty. He objected, his first response when God gave him the instruction was, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt.” Exodus 3: 11.
God replied, I will be with you. Then Moses asked again, suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask, what is his name? what will I tell them? God answered, tell them, “I would be has sent me to you.”
God went further to explain his identity better, saying, “Say to the Israelites, the Lord, the God of your fathers- the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you.”
God told Moses all he will tell the elders of Israel and how he will say it, and at the same time assured him that the elders of Israel will listen to him.
After hearing all these, Moses was still not satisfied. In verse 1 of Exodus chapter 4, Moses replied, what if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, the Lord did not appear to you? In response to this, God performed miracles before his eyes to convince him, yet he was not satisfied.
Moses did not stop there, he wasn’t satisfied yet, he kept giving God excuses to evade the task, until God got angered. At this point, God had to make him know that, His brother Aaron is also involved in the mission, and this then convinced Moses.
One may say that Moses showed lack of faith in God, judging from his objecting and refusing to embark on the mission immediately.
At the other hand, we can learn a lot from Moses’ response to God’s call at mount Horeb.
Think Before you Act
The lesson is very clear, and that is, “Never accept any offer without proper evaluation.” Think before you act and before you embark on any mission.
Don’t jump to accept a business offer or a job, without clearly understanding what you are going into, do not sign any document or contract without thoroughly reading the content of the document, inquire to know what is inside the parcel before you deliver it.
Think before you act, evaluate before you take the decision; that is a smart way to avoid mistake. Always ask questions and know your stand before embarking on any serious mission.
Moses may have shown some kind of stubbornness or lack of faith in God in his asking too many questions, but at the same time he taught us how to take risks. If you think before you act, you have a high chance of avoiding mistakes.
Taking impulsive actions most times does not end well. If you want to always make the right decision, then learn to think before you act, learn to evaluate your options before embarking on any task, because that is an amazing smart way to avoid terrible mistakes.
Always take calculated risks. Once you’ve clearly done your part by taking every necessary measure to avoid failure, then leave the rest to God, He will see you through. Always remember that, it is commendable to take risks, but make sure it’s calculated risks.
May the Almighty God, grant us the wisdom, understanding and knowledge to always make the right decision at any moment in time. Amen.
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