Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius Read on Webnovel

Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius is a 42 Chapters Contemporary Romance novel by xiaohai_23, which has gotten more than 24.9 views on Webnovel. Read Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius summary and more below.

Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius Summary

Among all the people who could find out May’s secret, why did it have to be Senator Lindt, her grandfather’s main opponent? And why does he seem intentioned of maintaining her secret instead of using it for his gain?
Delivered to his house like a package with a note attached, she finds herself in front of a choice: running away from Chris Lindt and forgetting about him, or staying to understand why does her heart beat faster when he’s in the same room. Is it just because he’s charming, powerful, and has a deadly foxy grin?

Christopher Lindt, the young leader of the opposition, loves challenges. The rebel girl delivered to him as a gift from a local mafia lord is indeed a challenge: the Prime minister’s granddaughter and, at the same time, a warrior against her own family.
As they know each other better, more mysteries resurface after years of silence: from May’s father’s death to the way the leader of the rebels predicts the future.

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Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius (Webnovel)

Senator's Rebel Wife is a Genius
Senator’s Rebel Wife is a Genius

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