The Beginning After the End Read Online by TurtleMe

“The Beginning After The End” is an action-fantasy webcomic by TurtleMe. It has a great, well-rounded plot, filled with action, fantasy, with little sprinkles of other genres. Read Summary below.

The Beginning After the End Read Online Summary

King Grey has unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige in a world governed by martial ability. However, solitude lingers closely behind those with great power. Beneath the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lurks the shell of man, devoid of purpose and will. Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however. Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for being born again.

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The Beginning After the End Reviews

The Beginning After the End
The Beginning After the End

Sep 15, 2021

Pretty much the same stuff as 99% of this type of webcomic; interesting initial concept and good art, but painfully mediocre and subpar everthing else. Almost all the characters are predicitable, unlikeable, and uninteresting, and pretty much the same with the story, plot, themes, etc. Saying it’s good because “it does well” compared to other trash rpg isekais is like calling someone smart because they can outwit a fish; the bar is just too low to compare it. The emptiness of this story makes it feel like any other progression webcomic that follows this similar format. In fact, it’s pretty much the embodiment of the Buzz lightyear clones meme, but idk maybe this “buzz lightyear” is shinier than the rest, but who can tell?

Truth to be told, if you’re one of those people who doesn’t really give much of a shit about the details and aspects of a story, and would just like to read it as a light popcorn story, you probably won’t care about what I have to say, and you’d probably enjoy it. That’s ok, I was like that too, and 12-year-old me would’ve definitely enjoyed this story since I didn’t give a shit. If you’re not that type of person, then I wouldn’t strongly recommend it.

Lastly, I was gonna give it a generous 4/10, but then I saw someone say

“the novel makes me smile so wide and go ‘kyaa kyaa'”

Yeah, no the causality of this story literally just gave me a brain tumor; 0/10 for me.

Mar 1, 2019

This is one of the best isekai I ever read. The story is about a king, who died and got REBORN in another world as a baby. That’s one of the reason i want to recomend this manga. You can see our character grow. This story is funny and sad, you will laught and cry. I highly resomending this manga. It kind of reminds me of mushoku tensei tho, but this is really good too. 

Like I said, king die and gets reborn in another world as a baby. We can see our character grow and gets better and better, learn about the world with him and grow with him. We can even meet and be-friend a dragon, get lost in the forest and a lot more things. I don’t wanna spoil you more then I already had so i will stop here ^^

There is a lot of characters that are easily likeble but some of them are kinda annoying tho. I like the main character and, and thats what I mostly don’t. Mostly I like side characters, but there weren’t many of them. That’s why it gets only 6 for characters, story good, but not many good characters.

Art style is all good, it really fits the story, don’t have much to say about it.

Jun 3, 2019

I love this manga! Even the novel is so good. It was so good that sometimes I forgot to breathe when it comes to the action scenes. The puppy love romance in the novel makes me smile so wide and go “kyaa kyaa” too. Truly, this is the best isekai I’ve read. Not one of the best but “the best”. I stumbled into this manga as I’ve been searching for the manga of The Trash of the Count’s Family and I’ve noticed that it has a somewhat similar illustration of my favorite novel TTofCF but the story of these two are so different. I still read it though and boy was I so glad that I read it! This is definitely one of the mangas that I totally want to sponsor/donate!

Feb 18, 2021

The best way I could put this story is that it’s incredibly frustrating. It has all the elements it needs to really be a compelling story but just falls flat, mostly due to the fact that the world is just so generic and assumes too much of the reader. But anyways, this story is worth reading so lets start with the pros

The Pros

It’s not Power Fantasy Trash – Well it kind of is and isn’t but I think this is a huge plus out of the gate. The main character is very capable but not overwhelmingly so. The way he “cheats” the system is somewhat convincing enough. To anyone worried its RPG isekai trash, it’s not, and I personally hate that kind of shit, so huge plus for me. 

The Relationships – The relationships in this story are generally hit or miss but when the story hits, it hits. The relationship between Sylvia and Arthur (the MC) is very heartwarming and does just the right amount to make it work. The relationship Arthur fosters with some of his peers is pretty nice too. The relationship with Elijah is quite nice too. 

The Pacing – The webtoon is pretty fast and entertaining throughout. It does a pretty good job between balancing character, story, and action. It’s an engaging story and I totally binged it.

The Cons

The World – The world is very generic and doesn’t bother to go in an original direction with the way it has decided to portray fantasy races. Elves are wood-y, Dwarves are earth-y, and Humans are everything-y. The world is set in a vaguely European setting that’s incredibly anachronistic with clothing and architecture that would fit in Europe anywhere from 1000 to 1900. Everyone conveniently speaks the same language. There are adventurers and guilds. Etc. etc. It’s essentially DnD lite. The magic is somewhat(?) original but can’t really decide if it’s like a science or something mystical. 

The Culture (rather, lack thereof) – This is somewhat related to the World but needs it’s own section because it’s actually one of the biggest weaknesses of this story. From the webtoon, every race is alluded to have its own culture but there doesn’t really seem to be differences at all. All the races share the same language, the same political system, and religion is pretty much nonexistent in this story. The political system is also confusing and unexplained. Nobility exists but it’s unclear how it’s set up. They’re just kinda portrayed as rich assholes instead of people that serve a real political role in the kingdom. 

The Isekai Elements – This is my least favorite part of the story but the isekai elements are leaned on too heavily as a deus ex machina and the fact that the MC was a king doesn’t really seem like a good choice. For one, the MC was an orphan king, which could work, but doesn’t make any sense because the webtoon implied he somehow became king through being strong, which is not how monarchies work. The world he used to live in looks very futuristic, with flying cars and shit, but the first piece of “future” tech he brings to the new world is a steam engine? The MC also doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in politics despite being a king. I just assume that the MC was really just a soldier in his past life and it makes so many more of his choices make sense.


Is TBATE good? Yeah it’s worth a read. It’s definitely one of the better dungeon crawler-y isekais I’ve read and it cuts out a lot of the bullshit that other isekais would poorly pile on. It’s no masterpiece in comparison to other stories and it’s far from original. The author seems like he’s super talented though so I’m interested to see what he does next after this. 

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